I guess it's been awhile since I've updated our blog. Since I've been able to do more, I've spent less time on the internet....which all and all is a good thing. When all you can do for months is watch TV, browse the internet and read, other things become much more enticing! I also believe I am entering the "nesting" phase....finding that we have a lot to do before baby arrives. Only 28 days until D-Day! Wow....I never thought I would actually get to this point.....it's both scary and exciting. We are so excited to meet our little one!
We had another ultrasound a week and a half ago and it showed that all of the blood clots are finally gone...praise God! The baby was measuring at 36 weeks at that point....a week and a half ahead of schedule, with an estimated weight of a whopping 6.6 pounds. Now, it's possible for the estimation to be off by half a pound or more, so I'm hoping that she's a little smaller than that....or else I'm looking at delivering a large baby! However, we are happy that she is healthy and growing....whatever her size. It is also possible that I have gestational diabetes as I had increased amniotic fluid which can be a sign of that. They offered the 3-hour test again or to just start a low sugar diet.....I obviously went for option number 2. So I will have to find an alternative way to fill my cravings for sweets the next month or so.....ugh!
We are prepping the nursery finally, with the walls painted and almost all the furniture in place. This week I have to start putting the rest of her stuff in place.....fun, but there's a lot to figure out still. However, one thing that I am almost done with is Christmas shopping! I know, it's a shocker to anyone who truly knows how much of a procrastinator I am, but it will be one less thing to worry about getting done in our last month.
I will try to post some more pics from some of my showers and other events in the coming days...so be on the lookout!